*All existing students have been migrated to the new Campus, most with consistent usernames & passwords.  Sign in today!

Welcome to
Clinisys Element LIMS Campus

for initial learning, as a refresher, or to train new employees.
Write your awesome label here.


•White papers

Lab Administrator

•Add/remove students
•Student progress reports
•Training certificates

Enroll a New User to Campus

Please request enrollment from your Laboratory's Clinisys Element LIMS Campus seat manager or select sign up now.
Write your awesome label here.

LIMS Fundamentals

All new Element LIMS users
•Life of the Sample
Write your awesome label here.


LIMS Admin & decision makers
•Database configuration
•User setup and permissions
•Analysis & Standards setup
Write your awesome label here.

Project Management

Project Managers
•Project Planning
• Bids & Pricing
Write your awesome label here.

Sample Control

Sample Control Staff
•Bottle Orders
Write your awesome label here.


Data Generators and Reviewers
•Sample prep and Batching
•Data Entry and DataTool
•Data Review

Write your awesome label here.


Project Managers
•Status & Approval
•Data Reports & Packages

Write your awesome label here.


IT, LIMS Admin & Client Services
•User Training
•Sample Submission

Write your awesome label here.

Develop Deliverables

Report Designers
•Data Sources
•Query Defs
•Data Packages

Migrate to Element LIMS Version 7

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